
How Women Attempted to Lose Weight at a Dairy Farm in the 1930s

Dairy products are essential for building bones and maintaining healthy body weight. Dietary calcium helps in regulating metabolism and accelerating fat loss. However, overconsumption of dairy products can develop unwanted fat, excessive cholesterol, digestion issues, and several other diseases. The people who are lactose intolerant cannot digest the sugar (lactose) in milk. As a result, they face belly bloat, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and excessive gas.

In recent years, dairy products have built a negative reputation as weight gainers. However, in the 1930s they were considered as an essential food item to reduce weight. Rose Dor Farm, located up the Hudson River from New York City, offered a ten-day training with a strict diet—three days of what today would be called juicing, followed by a week of cultured milk and vegetables—as well as gym classes. All of this costs $5.50 a day.

#1 Gym class at Rose Dor Farms is conducted by Swedish Physical Director Steve Finan

#2 Passive exercise for indolent clients permits them to lie quietly while Steve Finan deftly manipulates their limbs.

#3 Steve Finan directs mat exercises calculated to reduce hips and remove “widow’s humps” which form at back of neck.

#4 Steve Finan directs mat exercises calculated to reduce hips and remove “widow’s humps” which form at back of neck.

#5 Steve Finan directs mat exercises calculated to reduce hips and remove “widow’s humps” which form at back of neck.

#6 A good hard sweat under hot blankets, with only the face exposed, following a herbal massage, may take off as much as three pounds per treatment.

#7 Woman getting a massage at Rose Dor Farms, a weight loss camp.

#8 Treatment at Rose Dor Farms, a weight loss camp, 1938.

#9 Women resting at Rose Dor Farms, a weight loss camp, 1938.

#14 Exercise and stretching include use of a ship’s steering wheel.

#15 Camper at Rose Dor Farms takes a break for a cigarette.

#16 Scene from Rose Dor Farms, a weight loss camp, 1938.

#17 Typical “milk farmer”: Mrs. Remer of Kansas City who sneaked fried chicken until caught.

#19 Typical “milk farmer”: Jewel Mau Claire of New york who lost 13 lbs. in five days.

#20 Scene from Rose Dor Farms, a weight loss camp, 1938.

Written by Orla Morris

Full-time dress and costume designer, Half Persian half Italian. I still don’t know how to write, but i'm writing and you are reading :)

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