
Historical Photos of Different Occupations from The Victorian Era

In the Victorian era, people were divided between the upper class and the lower class. The major occupations of lower and middle classes were farming, manufacturing, fishing, food industry, domestic services, and mining according to the tax records of the era. The middle class is defined as the people who earn over £150 annually. These individuals could afford their own homes. While the majority of the Upper class relied upon inherited wealth, businesses, and land from their family members and marriages. There were some awful jobs such as Rat catching, Chimney sweeping, Leech collectors, and many more, for the low-class families.

Here below are some historical photos of different occupations from the Victorian era.

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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