
Stunning Historical Photos of Victorian Couples on the Wedding Day

The wedding day was regarded as the most important day in the life of a Victorian woman. From an early age, girls were taught to marry and care for their families. It was an extraordinary event for the mother, the soon-to-be bride and her family when a girl married.

Victorian weddings were more or less similar to the ones we have today. Many Victorian wedding traditions are still followed today, one of them being the color and style of the wedding attire. Victorian wedding dresses featured a fitted bodice, a small waist, and a long skirt. The materials used were organdie, silk, linen, lace, gauze, tulle and cashmere.

Weddings were also crucial to the grooms, and they were also concerned with fashion. Victorian grooms often wore blue frock coats with flowers in their lapels.

These beautiful photos show what Victorian couples looked like on their wedding days.

Written by Alicia Linn

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