From August 20 to 21, 1968, some 250,000 Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia overnight to halt a blossoming political and cultural liberalization, to stop the Prague Spring and tightening the Kremlin’s grip. Prague Spring was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia as a Communist state after World War II, which was started at the beginning of 1968 by Alexander Dubček. Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia to end the reform efforts, with the occupying forces eventually totaling 500,000. “Operation Danube” was the largest military mobilization in Europe since the end of World War II. the Soviets forced Dubcek from power in favor of a more conservative administrator. In the years that followed, the new leadership reestablished government censorship and controlled preventing freedom of movement. Still, it also improved economic conditions, eliminating one of the sources for revolutionary fervor. Czechoslovakia once again became a cooperative member of the Warsaw Pact.