Upon the arrival of the Great Northern Railway in Everett in 1893, Seattle’s city center underwent rapid redevelopment, leading to explosive growth. Timber and coal were the city’s primary industries, but fishing, wholesale trade, shipbuilding, and shipping also contributed to its expansion and population growth. As gold was discovered along and near the Klondike River in Canada’s Yukon Territory and Alaska in 1897, Seattle became a boomtown. The city became the premier outfitting point for prospectors because of its proximity to the Klondike and its established shipping lines. Alaska was considered to be the personal property of Seattle and Seattleites for a long time.
The city’s population increased from 3,533 in 1880 to 80,671 at the end of the 19th Century. According to one estimate, Seattle gained 1,000 new residents per month during the first half of 1889; in March alone, there were 500 buildings under construction, most of the wood structures. On June 6, 1889, a devastating fire that leveled the buildings on 116 acres in the city’s business district slowed but did not stop the city’s growth. The fire did not result in fatalities, but it caused millions of dollars’ worth of property damage.
Below are fascinating historical photos that show what Seattle looked like in the late-19th Century. Also, check Seattle in the 1880s and 1870s.
#1 2nd Ave. looking north from Yesler Way, Seattle, 1899
#2 Church choir, 1890
#3 Buildings and grounds at Leschi Park on Lake Washington, Seattle, 1890
#4 Eshelman duplex, 1899
#5 2nd Avenue from James Street, looking north, Seattle, 1890
#6 1st Ave. decorated at night, 1899
#7 1st Ave., looking north from Pioneer Square, 1890
#8 Celebration honoring volunteers of the First Washington Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Pioneer Square, 1899
#9 Central School, Madison Street between 6th Ave. and 7th Ave., 1899
#10 Cherry Street, February 18, 1921
#11 Child standing near Hunters Pride shelter looking across Green Lake from the southeast end, 1896
#12 Bicycle along the Lake Washington bicycle path, 1899
#13 1st Avenue from Cherry St., looking north, Seattle, 1890.
#14 Children bathing in Green Lake, 1895
#15 Building at the end of a pier, possibly Ballard neighborhood, Seattle, October 1890
#16 1st Ave. from about Pike St., 1895.
#17 1st Avenue from Cherry St., looking north, Seattle, 1890
#18 2nd Ave. and Bell Street, 1890
#19 Cigar concession stand in men’s restroom, Westlake Square Comfort Station, September 18, 1917
#20 Colman Block, 811 1st Avenue, 1898
#21 Columbia Street from 1st Ave., looking east, Seattle, 1891
#22 Columbia Street, 1890
#23 Bon Marche, Nordhoff and Co. department store, probably 1896
#24 3rd Ave. from University Street, looking north, Seattle, Washington, 1890
#25 1st Ave. S. looking north from Main St., Seattle, 1899
#26 Bend in the path with bicycle in distance, Seattle, 1897
#27 Bon Marche, Nordhoff and Co. department store, 1896
#28 Covered facility for picnics at Ravenna Park, 1898
#29 Crowds at the waterfront near the foot of University Street, Seattle, 1898
#30 3rd Ave. and Pine St., looking southeast, 1891
#31 Children standing outside I.O.G.T. Hall (International Organization of Good Templars), 1897
#32 Argens and Schuck Gun and Locksmith store, 1896
#33 Art studio interior showing men and women painting, 1890s
#34 Bell’s Hotel, 1898
#35 Businesses at the northeast corner of 1st Ave. and Union St., Seattle, December 13, 1981
#36 Businesses at the northeast corner of 1st Ave. and Union St., Seattle, December 13, 1981
#37 Cable car of the First Avenue Railway Co. on 2nd Ave., 1898
#38 Car 1 of the Rainier Power and Railway Co. with investor David T. Denny, near Lake Union, Seattle, 1891
#39 Coney Island Bathhouse on the beach at Duwamish Head, Summer 1899
#40 Coppin waterworks, 1895
#41 Corliss P. Stone residence at 1120 N. 35th Street, 1891
#42 Housing on First Hill, 1890
#43 Ice skaters on Lake Union, 1890
#44 James Street and Yesler Way from Pioneer Square, 1894
#45 Cooper & Levy store, 104-106 1st Ave. S. near Yesler Way Seattle, 1897
#46 Crowd gathered around dog team near waterfront, Seattle, 1898
#47 Crowd with hose cart at scene of fire, 1895
#48 David Judkins’ house, 522 Depot St. (later Denny Way), Seattle, 1890s
#49 David T. Denny Residence at Republican St. with dog, possibly “Curly,” on the front porch, 1890
#50 Dearborn Street regrade, September 18, 1909
#51 Dredging operation for the Seattle and Lake Washington waterway, July 29, 1895
#52 Eastlake from south Lake Union, 1895
#53 Electric streetcar of the Seattle Consolidated Street Railway, 1894
#54 Electric streetcar of the Seattle Consolidated Street Railway, 1894
#55 Woman with bicycle on the Lake Washington bicycle path, 1899
#56 View SW from 32nd Avenue, 1898
#57 East side of 1st Ave. between James St. and Cherry Street, Seattle, 1890.
#58 Eighth grade class standing on steps of the Denny School, Seattle, 1899
#59 Exterior of Mayor William D. Wood house, 1890
#60 Fire fighters battling the fire at the Schwabacher Brothers’ building, Seattle, June 27, 1892.
#61 Firloch Club house, 1890
#62 Holyoke Building, Spring St. southeast corner of 1st Ave., 1890
#63 Interior of classroom showing school children seated at desks, 1890
#64 Leschi Park looking toward Lake Washington, 1890
#65 Leschi Park on Lake Washington, Seattle, 1890
#66 Leschi Park Pavilion, 1890.
#67 Madison Street, 1893
#68 Man and woman with baby carriage near front porch of residence at 1428 23rd Ave Seattle, 1890
#69 Montlake Ditch, 1890
#70 Mutual Life Building, 1893
#71 Residential area of Seattle looking west, 1899
#72 Soule residence garden, 1353 32nd Ave. Sreet, Seattle, 1899
#73 Soule residence porch and garden, 1353 32nd Ave. Street, Seattle, 1899
#74 Tracks of the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad, Lake Samamish, Washington, approximately 1891.
#75 Two women promenading in Madrona Park, Seattle, 1890
#76 7th Ave. north from near Jefferson Street, 1890
#77 Arthur Denny house, 1890
#78 Brygger Home in Ballard, 1890
#79 Budlong House, 1898
#80 Cascade School, 1893
#81 Construction of Denny Hall, 1895
#82 First car on James St. Line at 12th Ave., 1890
#83 Holy Names Academy at 7th Ave. S. and S. Jackson St., 1898
#84 Interior of Antlers Hotel on Lake Cushman, 1898.
#85 ake Washington, foot of Madison Street, 1890
#86 Madison Park, 1897
#87 Madison Park, 1897
#88 Native American baskets in home of Mabel Thompson, 1900
#89 Old bicycle path, 1895
#90 Outlet of Union Bay, 1893
#91 Pioneer Place decorations, November 1899
#92 Princess Angeline’s House, 1890
#93 Reconstruction following fire from 1st Ave and Yesler Way, June 1890
#94 Reviewing stand decorated for visit of President Benjamin Harrison at 1st Ave. and Yesler Way, May 6, 1891
#95 Seattle Public Library in Yesler Mansion, 1899
#97 South School, 1897
#98 Umbrella Man, 1899
#99 Wood House on East 72nd St. and East Green Lake Way, 1898
#100 First Baptist Church, 4th Ave. and Cherry Street, 1890s
#101 First house built between Park Junction and Woodland Park, 1899
#102 First Methodist Episcopal Church, Columbia St. and 2nd Ave., 1890
#103 Fremont and Lake Union looking west from Capitol Hill, 1893
#104 Fremont and Lake Union seen from Queen Anne, 1893
#105 Green Lake, 1890s
#106 Guy C. Phinney with group in Woodland Park on road to Green lake, Seattle, 1893
#107 Lake Union and Seattle from the south, 1890
#108 Lake Union from Denny Regrade neighborhood, 1895
#109 Lake Union from Eastlake, 1890s
#110 Looking north on 1st Ave. from James St. showing July 4th parade, Seattle, 1890
#111 Looking north on 1st Ave. from James Street, 1890.
#112 Looking north on 2nd Avenue from Yesler Way, Seattle, Washington, 1890
#113 Looking south from 2nd Ave. and Cherry Street, Seattle, 1890s.
#114 Logging operation showing a sawmill, 1899
#115 Fremont looking north from Queen Anne, 1890s
#116 Fremont lumber mill operation, possibly the Bryant Lumber Mill, 1895
#117 Front Street (now 1st Ave. S.) looking north from James Street, 1897
#118 George Conn, wife, and son Neil standing outside Judge William D. Wood house, 1897
#119 Looking west from 7th Ave. and Columbia St. after a snowfall, Seattle, 1890
#120 Madison St. from vicinity of 1st Ave., 1893
#121 Man in horse-drawn carriage at Woodland Park, 1899
#122 Man with bicycle on the Lake Washington bicycle path, 1899
#123 Man, probably John Soule, on steps of Soule home, 1353 32nd Avenue, 1890s
#124 Mary Soule and her sister Mrs. McAlpin in front of Soule residence, 1353 32nd Ave. S., Seattle, 1899
#125 Men standing near railroad car loaded with large piece of timber for the Chicago World’s Fair, 1893
#126 Menstanding on the first through streetcar on Madison Street, Seattle, 1890
#127 Merry-go-round, West Seattle beach, 1899
#128 Military unit on parade, 1890
#129 Mill at Salmon Bay, 1890s
#130 Moran Brother’s Shipyard showing steamboats for the Klondike under construction, 1898
#131 Moran Brothers Co. shipyards building steamboats for service in the Klondike gold rush, 1898
#132 Neil Conn with bicycle and George Conn with cow standing in front of William D. Wood house, Woodlawn Avenue, 1897
#133 Northeast corner of Front and James St., Seattle, showing Henry L. and Sara Yesler on porch of their house, Seattle, 1859
#134 Panorama from Denny Hill, 1890
#135 Panorama looking northwest, 1890
#136 Panorama looking northwest, 1890
#137 Panorama of the waterfront north from Main St., Seattle, 1892.
#138 Passengers aboard the steamer Roanoke leaving for the Klondike from a Seattle dock, June, 1898
#139 Pioneer Square showing the Pioneer Building, Seattle, 1891
#140 Pioneer Square, March 14, 1899
#141 Pitts Grocery Store, Broadway & E. Pike St., Seattle, 1890
#142 Plummer Block at 3rd Ave. and Union Street, 1891
#143 Plymouth Congregational Church and 3rd Street, Seattle, 1890
#144 Post Building, northeast corner of Yesler Way and Post St, 1891
#145 Rainier School and school children posed in front of entrance, November 27, 1899
#146 Reindeer with entrance to Woodland Park in background, Seattle, 1898
#147 Residence at 5707 Kenwood Place N., 1895
#148 Residence at the northwest corner of NE 45th St. and Brooklyn Avenue, 1898
#149 Residence, Green Lake district, 1890
#150 Revenue cutter McCulloch, 1898
#151 Saloon interior showing men standing at the bar, Occidental Ave. and Washington St., 1895
#152 Sami reindeer herders of the Lapland-Yukon Relief Expedition, 1898
#153 Schoolchildren in front of temporary building for Queen Anne School, top of Queen Anne Hill, Seattle, 1890
#154 Schwabacher’s Wharf, foot of Union Street, 1890
#155 Seagrave House, 224 Virginia Street, Seattle, 1890
#156 Seattle city hall and police headquarters, 3rd Ave. south of Jefferson Street, 1896
#157 Seattle National Bank Building, southeast corner of Occidental Ave. and Yesler Way, 1898
#158 Seattle Telegraph newspaper booth, 1890
#159 Seattle Traction Co. electric pile driver, 1899
#160 Seattle Traction Company car barn at 5th Ave. and Olive St. showing staff and streetcars, 1898
#161 Seattle, looking east from the waterfront in the vicinity of Pike Street, 1898
#162 Seattle, looking west from the King County Court House, 1894
#163 Ships at dock on the waterfront near Pier A at the foot of Washington Street, Seattle, 1897.
#164 Seneca Street, looking toward the waterfront, 1894
#165 Sled dogs at corner of Yesler Way and 2nd Ave., 1898
#166 Sled dogs in front of Yukon Mining School, 1898
#167 Water tower of Green Lake Station and other buildings on northeast shore of Green Lake, 1896
#168 Waterfront in the vicinity of Main St., Seattle, 1892.
#169 Women with bicycles on the Lake Washington bicycle path, 1899
#170 Woodland Park conservatory, 1896
#171 Woodland Park hunting lodge, 1895

Woodland Park prior to its acquisition by the City of Seattle in 1900. The Hunting Lodge. This was on the slope near the southwest shore of Green Lake, the level of which was considerably higher at that time, the surface extending much nearer to the ledge location than it does now. It was a short distance up the slope back of the Aqua Theater.
#172 State Building, corner of S. Main St. and Occidental Ave. S., 1891
#173 Steamer Willamette departing from the crowded Seattle waterfront for the Klondike, 1899
#174 Steamship Valencia leaving Seattle, April 7, 1898
#175 Streetcar at University Way NE and NE 52nd Street, University District, 1897
#176 Two women walking in Woodland Park near Green Lake, 1897
#177 University streetcar north of the bank building, University District, 1891
#178 Independent Order of Good Templars Hall, 1897
#179 1st Ave. south from Columbia Street, 1894
#180 2nd Ave. looking south from Pike Street, 1890
#181 3rd Ave. north from University St. towards Washington Hotel,. 1890
#182 3rd home of Seattle Public Library in the Rialto Building, 1896
#183 City of Seattle” steamboat, 1899
#184 Joseph Closset” stern wheeler on Yukon River, 1899
#185 Monterey” gunboat in Port Orchard dry dock, 1896
#186 Walla Walla” steamer, 1898
#187 Alaska Sailing Day at Pier 4, 1898
#188 Antlers Hotel on Lake Cushman, 1899
#189 Beaver totem pole in front of home in Wrangell, Alaska, 1899
#190 Boat loading for Alaska, 1897
#191 Boats docked at Oregon Improvement Company docks, 1890
#192 Brighton School, 1895
#193 Broadway School in Ballard, 1891
#194 Cable powerhouse at 2nd Ave. and Denny Way, 1892
#195 Cattle team and workers on skid road, 1890
#196 Claflin Brothers & Co. in Nome, Alaska, Sept. 28, 1899

The Claflin Brothers store was located on Front St. The cross street is unknown. Gold was discovered in the area in the summer of 1898 prospectors rushed to stake claims and Nome's population quickly ballooned to 10,000 people. In 1899, more gold was discovered on beaches near the town and spurred an even greater rush of visitors. By 1900, an estimated 1000 people a day were arriving in Nome. Pillsbury took some of the first available photographs of the city. Following his departure, the winter conditions made it too difficult for others to reach the area.
#197 Class of South Park School, November 21, 1899
#198 Class of South School, 1890
#199 Class of South School, 1890
#200 Collins Building, 1894
#201 Cordray Theater, 1892
#202 David T. Denny home, 1891
#203 Elephant on parade at Pine St. and 3rd Ave., 1899
#204 Engine House No. 2, 1890
#205 Engine House No. 4, 1899
#206 Expedition returning to Antlers Hotel after trip to Olympic Mountains, 1898
#207 Fir log at Huron Lumber Company’s Bothell camp, 1895
#208 Fire station Engine House No. 2, 1890
#209 First Home of Seattle Public Library, 1891
#210 Fraser and Wilson Store on Pike Street, 1895
#211 Frederick A. MacDonald house, 1895
#212 Greater White Fronted Geese in South Park Pond, 1890
#213 Green Lake and Phinney’s Boathouse from Woodland Park, 1891
#214 Group outside North American Transportation & Trading Company in Circle City, Alaska, 1899
#215 Hans and Nels Nelson at corner of Dock Pl. and Ballard Avenue, 1892
#216 Hotel Seattle, 1894
#217 John Leary house at 208 Madison Street, 1890
#218 John S. Reasoner House, 1893
#220 Logs at Circle City waterfront, Alaska, 1899
#221 Looking south from near 3rd Ave. and Pine Street, 1890
#222 Men and log cabins at Stewart City, Yukon, 1899
#223 Oregon Improvement Company wharf, 1890
#224 Parade at 2nd Ave. and Marion Street, 1899
#225 Parade on 3rd Ave, 1899
#226 Pike St. looking east from 5th Avenue, 1890
#227 Pike St. looking east, 1890
#228 Plummer Building, 1891
#229 Plymouth Congregational Church, 1892
#230 Prospectors and log cabin at Derwent, Alaska, 1899
#231 Scene at the dock during Alaska gold rush, 1898
#232 Seattle Female College, 1893
#233 Seattle National Bank Building, 1890
#234 Seattle National Bank interior, 1890
#235 Seattle Terminal and Railway Elevator Company grain elevator, 1890.
#236 Sixth St. School, 1890
#237 Spanish American War homecoming, November 4, 1899
#238 Temperance Hall on E. 72nd St., 1891

As a temporary measure to meet the growing needs of the 1,000 residents living nearby, in 1901 the school district opened two annexes at Green Lake. The first, about which little is known, was located on the site of the John Marshall school and provided space for two classrooms. The other occupied the two-story I.O.G.T. Hall at today's (1999) NE 72nd Street and 5th Avenue NE, above Baskin & Robbins. This temperance hall was home for three class rooms of second through fifth grade children during the 1901-02 school year.
#239 Territorial University near 4th Ave. and University Street, 1890
#240 rain of Logs at Yesler (Town), 1893
#241 Train with lumber for Columbian Exposition at Columbia St. and Alaskan Way, 1893
#242 View north from 1st Ave. and Cherry St., Seattle, 1890
#243 View north from James Street and Yesler Way, 1891
#244 View of reconstruction following fire from 1st Ave. and James Street, July 1890
#245 View south from Seattle coal bunkers, 1890
#246 View south from Queen Anne Hill, 1896
#247 View south from Washington Hotel, 1890
#248 View south on Ballard Avenue, 1891

W.D. Begg Groceries, Fruits, and Provisions appears on the right. The 1891 Ballard City Directory contains the follow entry: ""Begg Wm D, grocer, w s Ballard ave bet 2d and 3d aves, res same."" The Ballard Wine House, located at 2nd Ave. and Ballard Ave. is visible in the distance on the left.
Really incredible! Much larger and more cosmopolitan than I had imagined!