These ads from the past show how some companies once promoted their products in harmful ways. These vintage ads are shocking because they openly used stereotypes and offensive ideas. Back then, many people didn’t question these messages, but today, we can see how wrong they were.
In the past, companies often relied on racist images to sell things like food, cleaning supplies, and toys. They used harmful portrayals of different races to make their products seem better or more appealing. These ads weren’t hidden—they were proud of the views they showed. Unlike now, when companies quickly apologize for mistakes, these old ads faced little criticism at the time.
The way people looked in these ads was often unfair and untrue. For example, some ads showed Black people as servants or clowns, which reinforced negative ideas about them. Other ads made fun of Asian or Indigenous cultures by using exaggerated features or language. These choices hurt real people and spread harmful beliefs.
Even though these ads came from a different time, they still matter today. They teach us about the history of racism in advertising and why it’s important to be careful with words and images. Modern companies have made similar mistakes, but public outcry usually forces them to fix it. The vintage ads remind us how far we’ve come—but also how much work is left to do.