
What Petersburg, Virginia looked like in the 1860s through these Historical Photos

The first modern settlement of Petersburg began in the 17th century. The city was incorporated in 1748. During the American Revolutionary War, the British occupied it, and Major-General William Phillips bombarded it from the Marquis de Lafayette’s positions north of the river. In the years following the war, it became a popular destination for blacks in Virginia and a hub for railroads. By 1860, it had become the second-largest city in Virginia.

Petersburg played a strategic role during the Civil War in 1861. Confederate troops received several infantry companies, artillery units from the city, and three cavalry companies. Over 300 free blacks from Petersburg, Virginia, volunteered to work on the fortifications of Norfolk, Virginia, in April 1861. Slaveholders also provided slave labor. Petersburg was targeted during General Ulysses S. Grant’s Overland Campaign in 1864. Petersburg served as a lifeline for Richmond, the Confederate capital, because of its numerous railroads. Confederate troops and supplies transited through Pocahontas Island’s depot, built for the Richmond & Petersburg rail line.

The Union troops finally pushed their left flank to Weldon, North Carolina and the Southside Railroad in early April 1865. After the Confederate forces lost Petersburg’s vital lifelines, the Union Army won the siege. When Richmond could no longer defend itself following the fall of Petersburg, Lee attempted to lead his men south to join Confederate forces in North Carolina. On April 9, 1865, he was surrounded and forced to surrender at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. After the Civil War, many freedmen migrated to Petersburg to rebuild, work on the river, and escape white control. The community benefited from numerous churches, businesses, and institutions founded by free blacks.

Some incredible historic photos show Petersburg during and after the American Civil war.

#1 Surgeon John H. Brinton and group of hospital attendants in front of Petersburg, 1864

#2 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, 1864

#3 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg. June, 1864

#6 Sutler’s bomb-proof “Fruit and Oyster House, Petersburg, 1860

#7 Signal tower at 14th New York Heavy Artillery headquarters, Petersburg, 1864

#9 Gen. J.C. Robinson” and other locomotives of the U.S. Military Railroad, Petersburg, 1865

#10 Another locomotive at the same point, Petersburg, 1865

#11 African American army cook at work, Petersburg, 1865

#12 Medical supply boat Planter at General Hospital wharf on the Appomattox, Petersburg, 1865

#13 Wharf, Federal artillery, and anchored schooners, Petersburg, 1860s

#14 Rear view of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s headquarters, Petersburg, 1860s

#15 Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff, with wife and child at door of their quarters, Petersburg, 1860

#16 Head Quarters of Gen. G.L. Hartsuff, Petersburg, 1865

#17 Effects of shot and shell on the north side of Petersburgh, Bollingbrook St. View of Dunlop house, 1860s

#18 Bomb-proof restaurant on the Petersburg line, Petersburg, 1864

#19 Soldiers and part of a battery, on the battlefield of Bull Run, Petersburg, 1861

#20 The roundhouse in a railroad yard, Petersburg, Virginia, 1865

#21 R.R. turntable, Petersburg, VA.between 1861 and 1865

#23 Headquarters 6th Army Corps. Warren Station, in front of Petersburg, 1862

#25 Church in camp of 50th New York Engineers in front of Petersburg, 1864

#26 Headquarters 6th Army Corps. Warren Station, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#27 Quarters of Chief Ambulance Officer, 9th Corps in front of Petersburg, 1864

#28 Gabions in Engineer Camp in front of Petersburg, 1864

#29 Man seated on gabions in engineer camp in front of Petersburg, 1864

#30 Company “B”, 170th N.Y. Infantry in front of Petersburg, 1864

#31 Homes along a dirt road. View may be of Gettysburg rather than Petersburg, 1865

#33 Headquarters, 6th Army Corps, Warren Station, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#34 Confederate fortifications at Warren Station, 1864

#37 Federal picket line in front of Fort Steadman, 1863

#38 Interior of Fort Steadman in front of Petersburg, 1863

#39 Crow’s Nest battery and lookout in front of Petersburg, 1863

#40 Rifle pits on the picket line in front of Petersburg, 1864

#42 Fort Mahone (Confederate) in front of Petersburg, 1863

#44 Interior of Fort Sedgewick (i.e. Sedgwick) in front of Petersburg, 1864

#46 13 inch mortar “Dictator”, in front of Petersburg, 1860s

#47 A group of soldiers stand on gabions used as fortifications near Petersburg, 1860s

#48 Variety of barricades in use near Petersburg, Virginia, 1860s

#49 Chevaux de frise in front of Confederate fortifications, Petersburg, 1860s

#50 Two trench mortars behind sandbagged barricade, 1860s

#51 The lone graves at Warren Station in front of Petersburg, 1860s

#52 Soldiers in Union uniforms with swords and others in zouave uniforms of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, Co. G, Petersburg, 1864

#53 Stone wall at foot of Marye’s Heights, Fredericksburg, Va. at the front carried by 6th Maine Infantry, May 3, 1863.

#54 Surgeons of 3rd Division, 9th Army Corps, in front of Petersburg, Virginia, August 1864

#55 Officers of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry in front of Petersburg, 1864

#56 Field and staff of 39th U.S. Colored infantry, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#58 The Thirteen-Inch Mortar “Dictator”, Petersburg, 1864

#59 Camp sports, 13th N.Y. Artillery playing ball, before Petersburgh, Virginia, 1863

#60 Union soldier standing near a 13 inch mortar on a platform on a flatbed railroad car near Petersburg, Virginia, 1864

#62 Quartermaster’s mechanics, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps in front of Petersburg, 1864

#65 Camps of companies C & D. 1st Mass. Cavalry, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#66 Headquarters U.S. Engineer Battalion in front of Petersburg, 1864

#67 Views in camp of 50th New York Engineers in front of Petersburg, 1864

#68 Views in camp of 50th New York Engineers in front of Petersburg, 1865

#69 Surgeon’s Quarters, camp of 50th New York Engineers in front of Petersburg, 1864

#70 Brady’s photo outfit in front of Petersburg, 1864

#72 Hospital Stewards of 2d Division, 9th Army Corps. in front of Petersubrg, 1864

#73 Camp of Chief Ambulance Officer, 9th Army Corps. in front of Petersburg, 1864

#74 General Willcox’s headquarters, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#75 Essayon Dramatic Club, U.S. Engineer Battalion in front of Petersburg, 1864

#76 Assistant engineers at headquarters Army of Potomac, November, 1864

#77 Petersburg, Va., vicinity. The execution of William Johnson, Jordan’s farm, Petersburg, 1865

#78 Wharves after the explosion of ordnance barges on, Petersburg, August 4, 1864

#79 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1865

#80 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, 1865

#81 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864

#82 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864

#83 Petersburg, Va. Group of Company B, U.S. Engineer Battalion; wagons in background,1864

#84 Petersburg, Va. Company D, U.S. Engineer Battalion, 1864

#85 Group of Company D, U.S. Engineer Battalion, 1864

#86 Petersburg, Va. Officers of the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry at Army of the Potomac headquarters, 1864

#87 Petersburg, Va. Gen. Orlando B. Willcox and staff, 3d Division, 9th Corps, 1864

#88 Officers of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry playing cards in front of tents, 1864

#89 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864

#90 The main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864

#92 Cedar Level, Va. Commissary depot with supply train wagons, 1864

#93 Group of Company B, U.S. Engineer Battalion, 1864

#95 The “Dictator,” a 13-inch mortar, in position, Petersburg, 1866

#96 Headquarters, 50th New York Engineers, Petersburg, 1864

#97 Group of the quartermaster department, 1st Division, 9th Corps, at leisure, 1864

#100 Hospital stewards of 2d Division, 9th Corps, in front of tents, 1864

#101 Three surgeons of 1st Division, 9th Corps, Petersburg, 1864

#102 The “Dictator,” a closer view, Petersburg, 1864

#104 Gen. Edward Ferrero in front of Petersburg, Va., 1864

#105 Bvt. Major General C. H. T. Collis Col. 114th Pa. Inf. in front of Petersburg, 1864

#106 Co. F, 114th Pennsylvania Infantry in front of Petersburg, 1864

#107 Co. B, U.S. Engineers in front of Petersburg, 1864

#108 Band of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry in front of Petersburg, 1864

#109 General Grant’s Cavalry escort, City Point, 1865

#110 Outer line of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#111 Outer line of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#112 Rear view of the 13-inch Mortar “Dictator” in the works of Petersburg, Va. September 1, 1864

#113 Outer line of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, Va. captured by 18th Army Corps, June 15, 1864

#114 Outer line of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, Va. captured by 18th Army Corps, June 15, 1864

#115 Outer lines of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, Va. captured by 18th Army Corps, June 15, 1864

#116 Confederate works in front of Petersburg, Va. captured by 18th Corps, June 24, 1864

#117 Interior view of Rebel fort in front of Petersburg works, manned by Cowan’s Independent battery, 1st N.Y., 24th June, 1864

#118 Part of Federal Line of Works showing bombproof tents occupied by U.S. Colored Troops in front of Petersburg. Aug. 7, 1864

#119 Outer line of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#120 13 inch mortar “Dictator” in front of Petersburg, 1864

#121 13 inch mortar “Dictator” in front of Petersburg, 1864

#122 Outer line of Confederate fortifications, in front of Petersburg, 1864

#123 Officers of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry in front of Petersburg, 1864

#124 Jone’s Neck from Gen R.S. Fosters Head Quarters at Deep Bottom, 1864

#125 Trestle bridge on south side of railroad, near Petersburg, Virginia, 1865

#126 Interior of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), 1865

#127 View from the parapet of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh, 1865

#128 Interior of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh, 1865

#129 Ditch and “Cheavaux de frise” in front of the Union Fort Sedgwick, 1865

#130 Soldiers’ quarters in the Union Fort Rice adjoining Fort Sedgwick (fort Hell”.), 1865

#131 Ditch and “Cheavaux de Frise” in front of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers “Fort Hell”, 1865

#134 The first Union wagon train entering Petersburg, Virginia, with provisions after the Rebels were forced to evacuate, 1865

#135 Chevaux de frise, and breast works in the Union fort Sedgwick, called by the Rebels “Fort Hell,”, 1865

#136 Railroad tracks leading in to a United States Military Railroad station, 1865

#137 Rebel gun in front of “Fort Hell,” April 1865

#138 Quarters of men in Fort Sedgwick Generally known as Fort Hell, 1865

#141 View on the Appomattox River, near Campbell’s Bridge, Petersburg, 1865

#143 Interior view of the Confederate line, at Gracie’s Salient, 1866

#146 Quarters of photographers attached to Engineer Corps in front of Petersburg, 1865

#147 Broadway Landing, Va. Tripod artillery swing by the Appomattox, 1865.

#148 Landing, Va. Federal ordnance at the depot, 1865.

#149 Federal ordnance at the depot; another view, 1865.

#150 Bomb-proof quarters, Fort Sedgwick (“Fort Hell”), Petersburg, 1865

#151 Log church built by the 50th New York Engineers, with the engineer insignia above the door, 1865

#152 General view of camp of Oneida, N.Y., Independent Cavalry Company at Army headquarters, with men at leisure, 1865

#154 Water-filled ditch on west side of Fort Sedgwick, Petersburg, 1865

#155 View from breastworks of Fort Sedgwick, Petersburg, 1865

#156 View from center of Fort Sedgwick looking south, Petersburg, 1865

#158 Chevaux-de-frise in front of Fort Sedgwick, 1865

#159 Entrance to mine in Fort Mahone, intended to undermine Fort Sedgwick, 1865

#160 Confederate and Union dead side by side in the trenches at Fort Mahone, 1865

#161 Breastworks of the Confederate Fort Mahone (“Fort Damnation”), 1865

#162 Dead Confederate soldier, in trench beyond a section of chevaux-de-frise, 1865

#163 Sections of chevaux-de-frise before Confederate main works, 1865

#164 Dead Confederate soldier with gun, Petersburg, 1865

#165 Heavy gun mounted on inner line of Confederate fortifications, Petersburg, 1865

#166 Interior view of Confederate works, Petersburg, 1865

#167 Federal soldiers removing artillery from Confederate fortifications, Petersburg, 1865

#168 Row of stacked Federal rifles; houses beyond, Petersburg, 1865

#169 Members of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s staff, Petersburg, 1865

#171 Petersburg, Va. Cottage of Col. Nathaniel Michler, U.S. Engineers, at Bryant house, 1865

#172 The first Federal wagon train entering the town, Petersburg, 1865

#173 Blandford Church and graveyard, Petersburg, 1865

#175 Pontoon bridges across the Appomattox River, 1865

#177 Interior of Fort Sedgwick, with bomb-proof quarters of garrison, 1865

#181 Johnson’s Mill on the Appomattox near Campbell’s Bridge; soldiers standing on rocks in the stream, 1865

#182 Mills on the Appomattox River near Campbell’s Bridge, 1865

#183 Interior of Fort Steadman; bomb-proof in foreground, Petersburg, 1865

#184 High bridge of the South Side Railroad across the Appomattox, 1865

#187 Appomattox Court House, Va. Civilians in front of the hotel, 1865

#189 The Aiken House, in front of Petersburg,near headquarters Army of Potomac, 1860s

#190 Interior of Fort Sedgewick (i.e. Sedgwick), 1860s

#191 Ditch and abattis (i.e. abatis) in front of Fort Sedgewick, 1860s

#192 Interior of Fort Steadman in front of Petersburg, 1860s

#193 Bomb-proof quarters in Fort Sedgwick in front of Petersburg, 1860s

#194 Battery on outer line Confederate entrenchment capt, 1865

#195 Fort Mahone, (or Fort Damnation,) Petersburg, 1865

#196 Confederate fortifications at Gracie’s Salient in front of Petersburg, 1860s

#197 Dead Confederates in the trenches of Fort Mahone, April 3, 1865

#198 Camp of 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry, in front of Petersburg, February, 1865

#199 Fort Morton, Petersburg, Virginia, from the southeast, 1865.

#200 View from the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers “Fort Hell”, 1865

#201 Stereograph showing a dead Confederate soldier with gun in the trenches of Fort Mahone, near Petersburg, Virginia on April 2, 1865.

#202 Dismantling of the rebel forts after the storming of Petersburgh, 1865

#203 Interior of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers “Fort Hell,” showing Union soldiers on the breastworks, 1865

#205 A view of the above ground portion of bomb-proof living quarters in Fort Sedgwick, outside Petersburg, 1865

#206 Rebel breastworks in front of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg). The small mounds with chimneys are the soldiers’ quarters, under ground, 1865

#207 Interior of the rebel works in front of Petersburgh, 1865

#208 The ditch on the west side of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the Rebel soldiers “Fort Hell, 1865

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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