
50+ Fascinating Pictures Of New York City In The 1970s Show The Raw Life In Stark Contrast To Its Modern Glitz

The New York of 1970s was quite different from the gentrified metropolis we know today. And the streets had a lack of name-brand chains as we see today. I mean, it’s New York! But not Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, Starbucks, and KFC, today they have completely replaced the regional and local stores. Now lined with luxury apartments, the Bowery housed much of the city’s illicit activities, while drug dealers and prostitutes worked openly from Park Slope to Times Square. Have a look at this amazing collection of amazing photographs that show street scenes of New York City in the 1970s. Vote your favorites, and if you have gritty memories about the 70s, let us know in the comments. Also check, the Rare historical photos of New York City from the late 19th century and how New York city looked in the 1900s.

#1 Delancey at Norfolk Street, facing East, early ’70s

#2 Greenwich Village, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#3 Orchard Street between Stanton and Rivington, facing South, mid ’70s

#4 Park Avenue at 110th Street – Spanish Harlem circa 1974

#7 23rd Street facing West towards Eighth Avenue, January, 1976

#8 Fulton Avenue and Crotona Park South, facing Northwest

#9 Trinity Church, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#11 Lenox Avenue between 124th and 125th Streets, facing West

#15 Fourteenth Street between Ninth and Tentth Avenues, facing East, 1976

#16 155th Street and Frederick Douglass Boulevard, facing South, 1970

#18 July 4th, 1976 – Bicentennial celebration in New York Harbor

#19 Kingsbridge – West 231st Street between Broadway and Godwin Terrace, facing South, 1978

#20 Rivington Street at The Bowery, facing East – August, 1973

#23 Twin Towers, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#24 West 59th Street, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#25 Third Avenue at 66th Street, facing Southwest, 1979

#26 Facing Southwest to Fourteenth Street from Third Avenue

#28 Northwest corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 150th Street, 1970

#29 Eighth Avenue at 41st Street, facing Northeast, 1978

#31 130th and 7th Avenue (A.C. Powell Boulevard), facing Northeast, 1978

#35 Northeast Corner of 14th Street at 7th Avenue, 1972

#37 Park Avenue at 47th Street, facing South, circa 1974

#38 Amsterdam Avenue, between 144th Street and 145th Streets, 1971

#40 West Side Highway, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#42 Empire State Building, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#43 Opposite Radio City, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#46 Seventh Avenue South at Perry Street, facing South, 1973

#47 42nd Street at Seventh Avenue, facing Northwest, 1970

#48 Second Avenue at 26th Street, facing Northwest, c.1972

#51 Lafayette Street at Bleecker, facing North, 1976. Screencap from Marathon Man

#52 Second Avenue at East Seventh Street facing Southwest, late 1970s

#53 The old New Yorker Theater. West side of Broadway 88th to 89th Streets, c.1977

#55 Southwest corner of 74th and Broadway, the storefront was located inside the Ansonia. Early 1970s

#60 West End Avenue at 79th Street, facing North, 1979

#61 Greenwich Village, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#62 Financial District, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#65 Metropolitan Museum of Art, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#66 Plaza Hotel, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#67 Times Square, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#68 United Nations, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#69 Wall Street on Sunday, photographed by Nicolai Canetti, 1976

#70 125th Street, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#72 East 125th Street, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#73 Harlem from the air, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#74 Harlem from the air, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#75 Harlem from the ground, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#76 Harlem from the ground, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#77 NW Corner Houston and West Broadway, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#78 Opposite Radio City, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#79 Pike Street Mural, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#80 West 59th Street, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

#82 Drug deals in Harlem, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

Drug deals in Harlem, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

-2 Points
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#83 South Bronx, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

South Bronx, photographed by Bernard Herrmann, 1977

-3 Points
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Written by Aurora Hale

I am a blogger, entrepreneur and small business coach. I'm an introvert and cat lover. My favourite hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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