
Making Of Star Wars: 50+ Rare Behind The Scene Pictures From The Making Of Epic Space Opera Film

On May 25, 1977, George Lucas created the most iconic space opera franchise, and it quickly became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon. It was first entitled Adventure of Luke Star Killer; however, it was later changed to The Star Wars and, eventually, Star Wars. Since then, the lightsabers, Jedi Knights, and Death Stars have become firmly embedded in pop culture parlance. The rest is history, and how it was made is a story as entertaining and exciting as the movie that has enthralled millions for more than thirty years. Star War won several awards, including Oscars for Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Sound, Best Film Editing, Best Visual Effects, and Best Original Score. Have a look at these rare color photographs of behind the scenes from the making of Star Wars.

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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