
Lovely Portraits of Japanese Children From the 1950s

These stunning portraits of Japanese children were found in a large wooden box, and they were captured by a Japanese Portrait Photographer. One box of the film included showed an expiration date of 1951.

#1 A girl in braids, a dress, and flats holding Chitose Ame Shichi-Go-San candy

#2 A Japanese boy and Japanese girl in traditional happi coats (he is wearing a headband as well)

#3 A Japanese boy in a suit with hat and a girl in kimono with hair bow

#4 A Japanese boy in a suit with traditional Shichi-Go-San (seven-five-three) candy

#5 A Japanese boy in a traditional happi coat, a headband, and bells

#6 A Japanese boy in very high waist pants and holding a toy train

#7 A Japanese boy posing for a portrait with traditional Chitose Ame candy for Shichi-Go-San holiday

#8 A Japanese child in a kimono with the traditional Shichi-Go-San candy, a hair bow and sandals

#9 A Japanese girl in a checkered kimono and hair bow with traditional Shichi-Go-San candy

#10 A Japanese girl in a dress, handbag, and flats holding Chitose Ame candy, which is traditional for the Japanese Shichi-Go-San (seven-five-three) holiday

#11 A Japanese girl in a kimono and hair bow with traditional Japanese Shichi-Go-San candy

#13 A Japanese girl in a kimono with a bow, geta sandals, and folded fan. She also has the traditional Shichi-Go-San Chitose Ame candy

#14 A Japanese girl in a kimono with flowers and checkered pattern. She is also holding Chitose Ame (Thousand Year Candy) for Shichi-Go-San

#15 A Japanese school boy in a uniform, hat, and backpack

#16 A young Japanese boy in a hakama/kimono and sandals

#18 A young Japanese boy in kimono holding traditional Shichi-Go-San candy

#20 A young Japanese girl in a kimono and hair bow and holding a bow as well as traditional Shichi-Go-San candy

#21 A young Japanese girl in a kimono with a handbag and hair bow

#22 A young Japanese girl in a sailor school uniform with tie and backpack

#23 A young Japanese girl in a velvet blouse and hat and holding traditional Chitose Ame candy for Shichi-Go-San

#24 A young Japanese girl in kimono and a young boy in a shorts suit – both of them holding Chitose Ame candy for the Shichi-Go-San Festival

#25 A young Japanese girl in kimono and a young Japanese boy in a suit. The boy is holding Chitose Ame candy, traditional for the Shichi-Go-San festival

#26 A young Japanese girl in kimono with a hair bow and fan

#27 A young Japanese girl in kimono with traditional Shichi-Go-San candy (Chitose Ame)

#28 A young Japanese girl posing for a portrait in a kimono

#29 A young Japanese girl wearing a kimono and holding a handbag

#30 Two Japanese boys in traditional happi coats and headbands (with bows)

#31 Two Japanese children, one is a suit, posing for a portrait in the old days

#32 Two young Japanese girls in kimono, one holding what looks like a traditional New Year’s hagoita paddle except that it’s rounded, not square

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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