
Don't be Skinny: Use Ironized Yeast, the Quick Way to Gain Weight, So You’ll Look Better in a Bathing Suit!

People don’t like skinny people. They are reviled as inferior and subhuman. You don’t want to befriend anorexics who are icky and pallid. Those cursed may have hope! Ironized yeast can make you look healthy!

During 1938, the Great Depression was still stinking up the joint financially, and people didn’t have enough to eat. Ironized yeast tablets entered the market to help plump up our women!

Due to vitamin deficiency, like iron and vitamin B-12, undernourished people are prone to anaemia. Therefore, yeast increases weight gain, and Vitamin B increases appetite.

Why don’t we see more ads like this nowadays? Well, number one, though times are tough, it ain’t the Great Depression. Second, with the advent of fast food in the fifties, cheap, calorie-rich foods can be found within a few feet of every television set (exaggerated for your enjoyment), so most people can fill their belly with shitty food prepared by people who dislike their work. As a result, fatness has become a problem. Due to the fortification of many foods, vitamin deficiencies are less common today than in 1938. Manufacturers sneak a few extra nutrients into everyday foods like flour and rice, which is convenient. Almost every vitamin you need is in the food you eat.

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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