Photography was invented two centuries ago, and the period of colorized photographs is a lot shorter than that. Color makes us perceive the photograph more realistic, and since we live in the age of color, black and white photographs seem very old. The restoration process requires many skills and imagination, such as outfits of the subjects, time of the day, amount of light, backgrounds, the color of minor objects in photographs, guesswork, and many more. Even having all the information about the subject or the event, you can never be 100 percent sure of the true colors and hues that could have been captured at the time when the photograph was taken. The restored photographs have a surprisingly unique effect on our perspective. By seeing those historical photographs in color, we can relate to them easier, and it makes the photographs a whole lot more powerful. Fortunately, many talented people and communities bring life back in photographs by digitally coloring them. There is a group of talented folks in Reddit called r/ColorizedHistory; they pick historical pictures and bring them back to life by coloring them. Have a look at these amazing colorized photographs, vote your favorites, and don’t’ forget to share. If you are interested in more, check out colorized portraits of famous personalities of the 18th & 19th centuries.