
The Heartbreaking Story of Hans-Georg Henke, the sixteen-year-old German Soldier Who Broke Down in Tears

Hans-Georg Henke was a sixteen-year-old German anti-aircraft soldier of the Hitler Youth who was taken prisoner in the state of Hessen, Germany, towards the end of World War II. He was a member of the Luftwaffe anti-air squad, and like many others, he had joined the military as a teenager, full of idealism and hope for his country. However, the reality of war soon shattered those dreams, leaving him a broken young man.

Thousands of young Germans were swept up in the fervor of Nazi ideology and found themselves fighting for a cause that was ultimately doomed to fail. However, his emotional outburst upon being taken prisoner has been captured in a photograph that has become an iconic image of the war’s end and its devastation to so many lives.

American photographer William Vandivert took these photographs in April 1945, showing Hans-Georg standing with his hands covering his face, weeping uncontrollably. The expression on his face is one of pure despair as he realizes that his life and everything, he had believed in had been shattered. These photographs symbolize the war’s tragedy and the devastation it got to the lives of so many young people like Hans-Georg.

Hans-Georg’s story is tragic, as he was just a child when he was swept up in the Nazi propaganda machine. Born in 1929, he grew up in the small town of Wiesbaden, where he joined the Hitler Youth at the age of ten. As he grew older, he became increasingly immersed in Nazi ideology, attending political rallies and listening to speeches by Hitler and other Nazi leaders.

When he turned sixteen, Hans-Georg was drafted into the Luftwaffe anti-aircraft squad, where he was trained to shoot down Allied planes. He was sent to the front lines, where he saw firsthand the horror of war and the destruction it wrought on both sides. He witnessed the deaths of his fellow soldiers, and the devastation of German cities as the Allies rained bombs down on the country.

As the war drew close, Hans-Georg’s world began to crumble around him. The Nazi propaganda that had once filled him with hope and idealism was revealed to be a lie, and he was faced with the reality of the devastation that the war had brought to Germany. He saw his fellow soldiers deserting in droves, and American forces eventually captured him himself.

After the war, Hans-Georg returned to Wiesbaden, where he tried to rebuild his life. He struggled with the guilt and shame of having fought for the Nazi cause, and he was haunted by the memories of the war and the destruction he had witnessed. However, he eventually found solace in his faith and his family, and he went on to lead a quiet life, largely away from the public eye.

Hans-Georg’s story is a reminder of the human cost of war and the dangers of blind allegiance to a cause. It is also a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of redemption. Despite the horrors he witnessed and the guilt he carried, Hans-Georg found peace and meaning in his life, and his story serves as a powerful example of the need for forgiveness and reconciliation in the face of tragedy.

#1 A sixteen-year-old German soldier, Hans-Georg Henke, cries being captured by the US 9th Army in Germany on April 3, 1945

A sixteen-year-old German soldier, Hans-Georg Henke, cries being captured by the US 9th Army in Germany on April 3, 1945

#2 He was crying from combat shock, having been mixed in with a regular infantry unit that had been overrun by the US with hard fighting.

He was crying from combat shock, having been mixed in with a regular infantry unit that had been overrun by the US with hard fighting.

#3 His father died 1938 and his mother in 1944.

His father died 1938 and his mother in 1944.

#4 Colorized versions (from two different artists)

Colorized versions (from two different artists)


The Heartbreaking Story of Hans-Georg Henke, the sixteen-year-old German Soldier Who Broke Down in Tears


The Heartbreaking Story of Hans-Georg Henke, the sixteen-year-old German Soldier Who Broke Down in Tears


The Heartbreaking Story of Hans-Georg Henke, the sixteen-year-old German Soldier Who Broke Down in Tears

#8 As a son of a former Communist sympathizer, Hans-Georg himself joined the Communist party and went to live in Finsterwalde in East Germany after the war.

As a son of a former Communist sympathizer, Hans-Georg himself joined the Communist party and went to live in Finsterwalde in East Germany after the war.

Written by Benjamin Grayson

Former Bouquet seller now making a go with blogging and graphic designing. I love creating & composing history articles and lists.

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