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Canadian Propaganda Posters of World War I that Designed to Get Public Support

The British declaration of war on Germany brought Canada into the Great War. The population of Canada was around eight million, and its war effort was remarkable. The Canadian government had the freedom to determine the country’s level of involvement in the War. More than 650,000 men and women served in the War, and over 66,000 lost the lives, and more than 172,000 were wounded. It was this immense sacrifice that led to Canada’s separate signature on the Peace Treaty.

The Canadian government hired an artist to design the propaganda posters to encourage the public to support and contribute to the war efforts. These posters were made of patriotic and attention-grabbing slogans, convincing people to support the government and military.

#2 Faith, There’s No Wan Could Be Bolder” – Come on Boys! Join the Irish Canadian Overseas Battalion Rangers

#3 If ye break faith, we shall not sleep” – Buy Victory Bonds

#5 48th Highlanders – 1200 Men Wanted at Once for the 134th Highlanders Overseas Battalion

#6 Apply to Post Offices, Banks, Railway Offices And Stores For Thrift Stamps

#9 Bushmen & Sawmill Hands Wanted For the Canadian Forestry Units Overseas Recruiting Offices

#13 Canada’s Grain Cannot Be Sold Unless You Buy Victory Bonds

#18 Forward! To Victory With the 245 Overseas Canadian Grenadier Guards Battalion

#19 G-bye Mary – The Patriotic Fund Will Care For You

#21 I should go BUT!!! You are no exception, Join Now

#23 If You Cannot Put the “I” Into Fight, You Can Put the “Pay” Into Patriotism

#24 If you possess the fighting spirit of your forefathers, Join the 236th Kilties Battalion

#25 Irish Canadians Enlist in an Irish & Canadian Battalion

#26 Keep All Canadians Busy – Buy 1918 Victory Bonds

#27 Le 178ième Bataillon Canadien-Français des Cantons-de-l’Est

#28 Men of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry – The Call Has Come For Overseas Service

#32 Our Best Customer But He Needs Credit! Buy Victory Bonds

#35 Recruitment poster for “Soldiers of the Soil”, boys 15-19 years who worked on farms during the summer months, as part of the war effort (WW1)

#40 Victory Bonds Will Help Stop This – Kultur vs. Humanity

#43 We Go Next! Be One of the Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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