Les Femmes is a 1969 sex comedy film co-written and directed by Jean Aurel, starring Brigitte Bardot and Maurice Ronet. A gorgeous, young woman named Clara (Brigitte Bardot) is working as the secretary and taking dictation for a novelist named Jerome (Maurice Ronet). Jerome has been suffering from serious writer’s block, and what he needs most at this point is inspiration. Claire’s beauty sparks his imagination, if not necessarily for literary matters, and as he dictates to her, he shares stories of his sensual past and dreams for the future.
The film maintains interest due to its dual purpose and accomplishment. The film combines a clever repartee vehicle with a “battle of the sexes” theme, all the while making its fundamental points through humor instead of using more direct approaches. Many female viewers, familiar with this type of film, will resent a film that depicts the protagonist as a womanizing predator. The film successfully balanced interior shots with urban and rural shots.
Below are some beautiful photos of Bardot during the filming of Les Femmes in 1969.