Two-story clapboard home and adjacent one-story clapboard sided home, Olympia, 1880 (7/53)

Two-story clapboard home and adjacent one-story clapboard sided home, Olympia, 1880

In the foreground is the snow-covered street, with young trees planted in front of the home and store. The home is a two-story building with two chimneys, tall sashed windows at ground and upper level, a covered entry porch. The store is one story with a central entryway, a side entrance, and three windows. Over the door is a sign reading Sam Williams. A tall flagpole emerges from the roof. The home was later the site of the Mottman Mercantile, formerly a mercantile store operated by the Williams Brothers and later by Toklas and Kaufman, at the corner of Main Street and 4th Avenue (now Capitol Way and Fourth Avenue).

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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