The Jersey Shore circa 1906. On the beach, Atlantic City. (25/59)

The Jersey Shore circa 1906. On the beach, Atlantic City.

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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  1. I miss Dancing in all it’s forms from the 1980’s! It was right of passage in our 20’s we dressed and danced to just socialize and get out of the house. Even farmer’s in rural areas had barn dances. I hope and would like to start a dance movement. Maybe people can one day bond over the love of socialization and dance. It is forgotten art form and tool to meet people. Shame as a class mate informed when I asked ” what ever Happend To dance Clubs and Cafe’s all over NJ ?” He told me insurance companies charged to much for insurance and may places had to close because of to many fights. So sad my 20’s were very happy and fun because of dressing up in latest styles and.” going Out,”as we called it! Might it be a movement to get people out to dance when the pandemic ends? What would our schools be able to teach dance as it was once called in Gym class. Imagine if we never saw Josephine Baker’s pearl dress and her move on Film or Gene Kelly’s dancing in the rain?! We have lost people having fun getting exercise, meeting friends and yes even courting /falling in love. Oh how I miss those Bergen County Clubs in North Jersey, I danced two or three nights a week in college and am a better person for it to this day! My parents worried I am sure I would give up the calm and settled girl I was for a total life of The word used was” Clubbing” Comming in at 230 am I rarely drank. I never wanted to hurt anyone or loose my car. I had so much fun and value to this day the dancing days of my life. My all time favorite scene in a movie is were Carry Grant sees Sophia Loren just dance a little when she is his children’s nanny on that boat!