Oakridge Public School on the Danforth in Scarborough, 1953 (16/186)

Oakridge Public School on the Danforth in Scarborough, 1953

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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  1. I used to climb on the roofs of Oakridge,Samuel Hearne and St.Dunstans Catholic.For years I did that scooping up every imaginable basketball,tennis balls,soccerballs and other various nick nacks that people would throw up there.I lived at 19 Pharmacy Ave from 1965 to 1981.After Attending Kindergarten to grade 8 at St Dunstans Catholic. School headed of to Birchmount Park C.I. Those were amazing days and so many amazing memories. Live in The region of Kapuskasing Ontario now.

  2. i was looking for this pic for years thank you nobody had a pic of the school i was in that school before it was torn down the old wood desks were chewed by Termites and there was i hole in the floor on the second floor which we thought was odd we heard noises got spooked and ran out of there up Robinson home . later found out they had a dance and someone fell through the floor mid 60s time because of the termites ,they later used a couple of Trailers out front for Administration i think and then boarded up the school is when we went in as kids ,

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