Finger Brush (18/20)

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Finger Brush

Everyone’s rushing in the morning to get to work. From taking a shower to getting dressed up, to making coffee and breakfast if you’re lucky, and finalizing in your head what to say for that meeting later, there’s simply a lot one needs to remember in the morning as they prepare to leave the house. And this often leads to some forgetting to brush their teeth, which is a problem this item was designed for.

There is a huge market for hygienic portables such as this, with vending machines propping up selling items like toothpaste and floss. The market is growing at such a rate that a lot of companies now offer small and ultra-portable toothbrushes for individuals constantly on the move. Of course, one can use a conventional toothbrush, or even breath-mints, to achieve the same purpose.

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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