Advertisement at the Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, Tennessee, 1969 (23/141)

Advertisement at the Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, Tennessee, 1969

The companies listed are: WENO Radio 1430; Cozy Living Mobile Homes, and McCord Crane Service. The fairgrounds, located approx. one mile south of downtown Nashville, opened in 1891 as Cumberland Park.

The Park was built as a harness racing track with a grandstand that seated 7,000 people. In 1904 the harness racing track hosted its first automobile race. In 1906 the first Tennessee State Fair was held. Over the years, the fairgrounds have been hosting to nighttime airplane rides, a swimming pool, an amusement park, and stock car races, among other things. In 1965 a fire at the fairgrounds destroyed several buildings, the grandstands and numerous restaurants.

Today the fairgrounds are used for various conferences, expos, and trade shows, along with the annual Tennessee State Fair.

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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