
Stunning Vintage Photos of Atlantic City, Norfolk from the 1950s and 1960s

Atlantic City was a Norfolk neighborhood bordered by Front Street, Raleigh Avenue, Colley Avenue, and the Elizabeth River. The area was cleared, and most of the buildings were demolished in the 1950s to make way for medical facilities, offices, and private businesses.

Atlantic City was divided into two voting precincts in 1900. The old election district was Precinct One, and the new election district was Precinct Two. Precinct One’s voting place was in the pump house on Colley Avenue, and Precinct Two’s was in the auxiliary pump house on Ward Avenue and Duke Street. Norfolk’s NRHA (Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority) developed redevelopment and improvement plans in 1946. There were plans for the central business district, civic center, recreation areas, and highways. The city was under increasing pressure to eliminate slums and construct new military housing for post-war families.

In 1957, demolition for the Atlantic City redevelopment project began. The project cleared 140 acres and affected 360 structures and 400 families. All houses in this area (except for two) were built before World War I. Traffic movement within and outside of downtown was also addressed as part of the project. It also implemented the 1950 Major Highway Plan. Hampton Boulevard was extended to downtown, and Brambleton Avenue and Hampton were connected to the Midtown Tunnel through construction. The land was available for private apartments, EVMS, the Public Health Center, and CHKD. The land clearing would increase the number of medical facilities and adjacent medical offices. Additionally, it demolished the Atlantic City neighborhood and redesigned Colley Avenue for medical facility use.

Here are some fascinating vintage photos of Atlantic City, Norfolk, from the 1950s and 1960s.

#1 EVMS Campus, Norfolk General Hospital, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#2 Olney Road W of Cooke Street – 3rd house in – 100 block, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1953

#3 View looking South .Ghent in foreground.Portsmouth in background across river, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1956

#4 Loking South from Mowbray Arch, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1956

#5 The Hague, South (Before)..The lower half of the photograph shows a part of the southern residential area of the City abutting the Hague and Elizabeth River, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1956

#6 View looking South Ghent, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1956

#7 Southampton Avenue W..McIntosh Studio, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1957

#9 Atlantic City (R-1)..Medical Center Sitemodes, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1953

#10 View looking East, Ghent, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1953

#11 View looking East.Ghent in distance.Atlantic City in foreground, 1960

#13 Looking East along Brambleton Ave expansion, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#14 Looking South on West side of Colonial Avenue between Olney Road & Fairfax Avenue, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

Looking South on West side of Colonial Avenue between Olney Road & Fairfax Avenue, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

Structures are brick row type units that are either vacant or being occupied by businesses. The buildings are designed for residential use. Please note unkept fronts with one yard partially shown in lower left corner being used as a wine bottle disposal area.

#15 View looking North.Brambleton Avenue bridge under construction, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#16 Brambleton Avenue Expansion.EVMS Medical School campus lower left, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#17 The Kings Daughters Health Services, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#18 View looking West, Young Terrace in foreground, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1963

#19 Fairfax Laundry Building, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1963

#21 Longshoreman’s Union Hall, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1963

#22 EVMS Medical School campus, Lamberts Point Docks in background, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1964

#23 EVMS Medical School campus, Lamberts Point Docks in background, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1964

#24 Brambleton Avenue Expansion Completed, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1964

#25 Aerial view looking south at Ghent, New apartment tower on left, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1965

#26 Medical Center..Abourjilie, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1965

#27 Tidewater Rehabilition Institute.Pile Driving Ceremony, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1966

#28 Aerial view of Medical center campus, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1966

#32 Medical Center Tower..Millard Arnold, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1968

#33 Medical Center, Millard Arnold, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1969

#34 Norfolk General Hospital, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1969

#36 Looking North Brambleton Avenue, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1969

#37 Medical Center, Millard Arnold, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1970

#38 Medical Tower and Medical Center, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1970

#39 Tidewater Rehabilitation Institute, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1970

#40 The Kings Daughters Childrens Hospital, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1970

#41 View looking Northwest, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1971

#42 Redevelopment.Atlantic City (R-1)..EVMS Medical School Campus.View looking West, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1979

#43 Redevelopment.Atlantic City (R-1)..EVMS Medical School Campus.View looking South, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1979

#44 Redevelopment.Atlantic City (R-1)..EVMS Medical School Campus.View looking North, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1979

#45 Redevelopment.Atlantic City (R-1)..EVMS Medical School Campus.View looking East, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1979

#47 Colley Avenue South of Redgate Avenue, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1960s

#48 Eastern Virginia Medical School EVMS campus.view looking Southeast. Norfolk General Hospital, 1960s

#49 View looking East.Botetourt St bridge.Chrysler Museum.Young Terrace in distance, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1950s

#50 View of EVMS Medical School campus. Norfolk General Hospital, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1950s

#51 View of EVMS Medical School campus. Norfolk General Hospital, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#52 View looking West to Atlantic City, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1962

#53 View looking Northeast, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1960s

#54 View looking East. EVMS Medial School campus. Downtown Norfolk in background, 1960s

#55 View looking Northeast. EVMS Medial School campus, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1960s

#56 View looking South, Atlantic City, Norfolk, 1960s

#58 Redevelopment.Atlantic City (R-1)..View looking Northeast, 1952

#59 View looking West showing Brambleton Avenue expansion under construction, 1960s

#60 View of the Hague, and Ghent.before construction of Brambleton Avenue extension, 1960s

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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