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50+ Rarely Seen Pictures Of Adolf Hitler That May Surprise You

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He remained in power for over 12 years. He was the fourth of six children born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara Pölzl. Three of Hitler’s siblings died in infancy. His mother was Catholic, while his father was an anticlerical. According to reports, when the Great War broke out, Hitler was voluntarily enlisted in the Bavarian Army, which was certainly an administrative error. He served as a military courier on the Western Front in France and Belgium. Hitler was wounded by a shell when serving as a courier; he spent almost two months in hospital. On 15 October 1918, he was temporarily blinded in a mustard gas attack and was hospitalized. His wartime experience reinforced his German patriotism, and he was shocked by Germany’s capitulation in November 1918. The defeat of Germany shaped his ideology, and after the war ended, he started his journey. Hitler dedicated the majority of his domestic life to his political mission and nation. He also met his love, Eva Braun in 1929, and married her 16 years later. Hitler was a non-smoker for most of his adult life. He became addicted to smoking when he was young, but eventually, he quit. Hitler publicly avoided alcohol; he occasionally drank in private. He also encouraged his close associates to quit smoking and drinking by offering a gold watch to anyone able to break the habit. He also started consuming various drugs, including cocaine, amphetamine, and potassium bromide, after 1940, which badly affected his behavior and decision-making. During wartime, his personal physician prescribed 90 different medications for several diseases. Hitler suffered from ruptured eardrums resulting from a bomb attack that was intended to assassinate him, and 200 wood splinters had to be removed from his legs. There were at least 42 assassination plots attempted against Hitter. The death of Adolf Hitler is still a mystery. On 30 April 1945, he killed himself by gunshot in his Führerbunker in Berlin. However, Soviet politician and leader Joseph Stalin claimed that he was alive after WWII. Marshal Georgy Zhukov later announced that Hitler’s body had not been found and that he could have flown away at the last moment. However, British intelligence officials investigated the guard of Führerbunker, and he witnessed the bodies of Adolf and his new wife, Eva, on fire two meters from the bunker’s emergency exit. He also drew a map showing where their bodies were buried. Here’s a series of rarely seen pictures of Adolf hitter that show some unseen moments from his life, from his birth to his death. Also, check the amazing artwork of Adolf Hitler.

#2 Adolf Hitler on board a ferry in the Baltic Sea, 1921

#4 Hitler in a military hospital (back row, second from right), 1918

#5 Hitler at a construction site of a new autobahn (highway).

#6 Hitler in brown Nazi uniform during the outdoor speech in Austria, 1938

#7 Adolf Hitler with Bavarian Nazis at a remembrance ceremony for former military forces in Nuremberg, 1928

#10 Hitler rehearsing his speech in front of a mirror, 1925

#11 Hitler banned publication of this image from an early Nazi propaganda book

#12 Adolf Hitler (standing, centre) at a party meeting in Munich, 1925

#14 Hitler with guests at the table at his residence in Obersalzberg, 1939

#15 Adolf Hitler, leader of the German National Socialist Party, during a visit to Munich, 1929

#16 Adolf Hitler with his companions. (Left – Right) Graf, Hess, Schant, Hitler, Sleinbinder and Christian Weber, 1929

#17 Adolf Hitler drives along a flower strewn road after a rally at Nuremberg, 1929

#18 Adolf Hitler with his favorite Altatian Blondie at his mountain retreat

#22 On Christmas feast with the German generals, 1941

#23 Hitler comes to visit one of the injured officers, after a failed assassination attempt on Hitler, July 20, 1944

#24 Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, 1921

#25 Adolf Hitler, Leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, 1923

#26 Little Hitler (third from the left on the bottom row) with classmates, Fischlham, Austria-Hungary, 1895

#27 Volunteer Hitler (right) as part of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment of Bavarian Army during the World War I, 1916

#28 At the Ludendorff trial, from left to right, 1923

#29 Adolf Hitler addresses a rally in Nuremberg on German Day, 1923

#30 Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg (left) and Dr. Friedrich Weber of the Freikorps Oberland (Oberland Free Corps), during the Munich Putsch, 1923

#31 Prussian Premier and German Air Minister Hermann Goering, far right with Adolf Hitler and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, 1925

#32 Hitler at the orchestra rehearsal at Leopoldhall in Munich, 1938

#33 Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels signing autographs at the 1936 Olympics

#34 Hitler in 1934 during a visit at Landsberg Prison, where he wrote “Mein Kampf” during his imprisonment in 1924

#36 On board the ship Robert Ley, which was released on its maiden voyage. The ship was christened Robert Ley, after the leader of the DAF in Germany

#37 The Nazis meet in the Munich Buergerbraukeller (left to right) Schwartz, H Esser, Adolf Hitler and Ritter Von Epp, 1927

#39 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during Hitler’s 1938 state visit to Italy

#40 Benito Mussolini during Adolf Hitler’s 1938 state visit to Italy

#41 Adolf Hitler dressed in his field uniform during World War I

#43 Adolf Hitler sits reading a paper during his imprisonment in Landsberg Jail, 1924

#44 Hitler rehearsing his speech in front of a mirror, 1925

#45 Adolf Hitler leaves the Landsberg Fortress after a nine month period of imprisonment, 1924

#47 A montage showing Adolf Hitler and General Erich Ludendorff leaders of the Putsch in Munich, at the begining of Hitler’s rise to power, 1925

#49 Hitler says goodbye at a New Year’s banquet. Berlin, 1936

#53 Adolf Hitler with members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (left to right) Hitler’s adjutant Schaub, Hitler’s chauffeur Schreck, Hitler, Maurer and Schneider, 1929

#54 Adolf Hitler holds the “Bloodied Standard” of the Nazi party at a memorial ceremony for the failed uprising of 9th November 1923

#57 Adolf Hitler attending memorial service of Polish First Marshall Jozef Pilsudski in Berlin, 1935

#61 Hitler, Göring and Heinz Guderian discuss the Ardennes operation. October 1944

#62 One of the last photo of Hitler. The Fuhrer in the garden of the Reich Chancellery awards the young members of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) brigade mobilized to defend Berlin

#63 Hitler and Mussolini, at Santa Marinella, north of Rome, during Hitler’s 1938 state visit to Italy

#64 Adolf Hitler shakes hands with one of his personal photographers, Heinrich Hoffmann, while his doctor, Theodor Morrell (right) waits to greet the Fuhrer on Hitler’s 50th birthday, April 20, 1939

#65 Adolf Hitler receives a model of a Condor airplane as a gift on his 50th birthday, Berlin, April 20, 1939

#66 Adolf Hitler looking out of a barred window in Landsberg jail where he dictated his autobiography, Mein Kampf, 1924

#67 Adolf Hitler receives visitors, including Rudolf Hess (1894–1987), (second from right), during his imprisonment in Landsberg jail, 1924

#68 Adolf Hitler, saluting the massed ranks of his party during the party congress at Nuremberg, 1927

#70 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini observe Italian Army maneuvers during Hitler’s 1938 state visit to Italy

#72 Adolf Hitler (back row, second from right) recuperates with his fellow infantrymen, in a military hospital during World War I

Adolf Hitler (back row, second from right) recuperates with his fellow infantrymen, in a military hospital during World War I

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#73 Staged photoset “Apocalyptic, visionary, persuasive”, Heinrich Hoffmann, 1925

Staged photoset “Apocalyptic, visionary, persuasive”, Heinrich Hoffmann, 1925

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Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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