Portraying the role of a real-life person or a famous historic figure requires more effort and skills than playing the role of an imaginary or self-made character. Because the audiences already know about the real character’s styles and looks. Moreover, they compare the portraying actor with the historical figure. There are many doppelgangers of each famous person. However, not everyone can act like them. As a result, the directors have to choose from actors who look like the character and must have the ability to emulate the character of the person they are playing. The makeup artists and costume designers also work hard to turn the actor or actress into a historical flick. Take examples of some of the best biographical movies, such as, Daniel Day who portrayed Lincoln in the Lincoln movie, Bruno Ganz, who played the role of Adolf Hitler in Downfall; there are so many other extraordinary examples of actors who accurately portrayed real-life characters in movies listed below in a side by side comparison with the original character.