Cooling Fan for Noodles (13/20)

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Cooling Fan for Noodles

It’s a tiny fan mounted to a chopstick that removes the need to keep blowing on the soup to have it reach the desired temperature. If one doesn’t mind the inordinate amount of unwanted attention from the sound of the fan then it might be the perfect soup buddy. Looking silly, after all, beats getting your mouth scorched by hot soup.

Unless the mounted fan were much lighter than it looked, however, it’s unlikely to work; by the looks of it, the weight of the device carries with it problems that dwarf the one it was designed to solve. If one were to accidentally drop that thing in the soup, they’d have noodles flying across the room. Why one would opt to use this device instead of, say, simply waiting for one’s soup to cool down is anyone’s guess.

Written by Jacob Aberto

Sincere, friendly, curious, ambitious, enthusiast. I'm a content crafter and social media expert. I love Classic Movies because their dialogue, scenery and stories are awesome.

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