Dead man in a chair with his dogs. (10/66)

Dead man in a chair with his dogs.

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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  1. Honestly this is a pretty good one (well if lifelike is what the photographer was going for) if I hadn’t known the context of the picture I would just assumed a guy was lounging in a chair with his dogs on his lap.

    • That’s exactly what it is, a guy sitting in a chair with his dog. Post mortem photos were never taken like this. You can’t sit a dead body up like that because it will not stay.

  2. This is nothing more than a man sitting in a chair with his dog. Post mortem photos were never taken like this. You can’t sit a body up like that and expect it to stay.

    • Yes you can sit a body up or the body can even be standing up as if they posed themselves like this even in death there was mechanisms and gadgets built to help prop or stand up body. And not my opinion it’s a fact because of research done. Research it