
Stunning Behind the Scenes Photos from the Set of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ in 1946

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a classic movie. Many families watch it every Christmas. The 1946 film tells the story of George Bailey, a man who learns the true value of his life.  But have you ever wondered how this beloved movie was made?  Let’s take a look behind the scenes at the making of this timeless film.

The director of “It’s a Wonderful Life” was Frank Capra. He was one of the most famous filmmakers in Hollywood at the time. He was known for making movies that celebrated the common man and the American spirit. He believed in the goodness of people.

Capra was deeply involved in every aspect of the film’s production. He wasn’t only the director. He was also the producer. This meant he oversaw everything from hiring the actors to overseeing the budget. He had a clear vision for the movie.

Capra was inspired by a short story called “The Greatest Gift” written by Philip Van Doren Stern. The story was about a man who contemplates suicide. He is then shown what life would be like if he had never been born. Capra saw the potential for a powerful and heartwarming film. He wanted to bring the story to life.

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The movie takes place in the fictional town of Bedford Falls.  The filmmakers had to create this town from scratch. They built it on a movie set at the RKO Ranch in Encino, California. The set was incredibly detailed.

The main street of Bedford Falls was a marvel of movie magic. It was one of the longest sets ever built at the time. It stretched for three city blocks, which is the length of 3 football fields. It included 75 stores and buildings. There were even 20 fully grown oak trees brought in to make it look more realistic.

The set designers paid close attention to every detail. They wanted to make Bedford Falls feel like a real, lived-in town. They included a bank, a post office, a library, and many other shops and businesses. There was a real sense of authenticity.

One of the biggest challenges was creating a winter setting in sunny California.  The movie takes place during Christmas time, so snow was essential.  In those days, filmmakers often used crushed cornflakes painted white to simulate snow. But Capra wanted something more realistic.

The special effects team developed a new type of artificial snow for the movie. It was made from a mixture of soap flakes, water, and a fire-extinguishing foam.  This new snow looked more like the real thing. It could even be packed into snowballs. It also didn’t make noise when stepped on, unlike cornflakes.

Creating the snow was a big task. The crew used large machines to spray the fake snow all over the Bedford Falls set. They covered the buildings, the trees, and the ground. They even created snowdrifts. They transformed the California set into a winter wonderland.

#1 Jimmy Stewart in downtown Bedford Falls, a.k.a., on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#2 Making artificial snow on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#3 Making artificial snow on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#5 Making artificial snow on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#6 Jimmy Stewart on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#7 Director Frank Capra on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#9 Making artificial snow on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#10 Director Frank Capra (right, with unidentified man) on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#12 Jimmy Stewart on the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

#13 Bedford Falls, a.k.a., the set of It’s a Wonderful Life

Written by Rachel Mitchell

Rachel Mitchell is a vintage fashion enthusiast with a passion for all things retro. She is interested vintage fashion styles, trends, and accessories, and provides tips and tricks for incorporating vintage pieces into modern wardrobes.

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