
Goofy Photos of Marilyn Monroe making Funny Faces

Marilyn Monroe has sometimes been perceived only as a caricature because of the bizarre circumstances surrounding her death and her image as a sex symbol and dumb blonde. Despite those ‘dumb’ roles, she exhibited an elegance worthy of respect. As a comic actress, Billy Wilder called her “an absolute genius” in ‘The Seven Year Itch’ and ‘Some Like It Hot. Despite her tribulations, Monroe never lost her sense of humor or her desire for life. She dealt with the depersonalization that came with her status and often plagued her life and career with humor and insight. Here are a few of Marilyn Monroe’s funny faces:

Everybody knows about her insecurities, but not everyone knows what fun she was, that she never complained about the ordinary things of life, that she never had a bad word to say about anyone, and that she had a wonderful, spontaneous sense of humor.

Sam Shaw

Written by Alicia Linn

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet....... I’ve never been able to figure out what would i write about myself.

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