
50+ Amazing Color Pictures Show Mexico In the 1970s

The 1970s in Mexico starts with the victory of Luis Echeverría Álvarez in a presidential election held on 5 July 1970. The newly elected government started working in Cancun, Mexico, to develop tourist attractions. The government expropriated thousands of ejido (collective) land to promote tourism and other development. Mexican also discovered its largest offshore oil fields, mysteriously. An earthquake shook central Mexico, resulting in more than 600 deaths in 1973. These amazing color pictures show streets, famous landmarks, markets, and the everyday life of Mexican people in the 1970s.

#1 Mexico City. Rear view of PCC No, 2190 along centre reservation

#6 Ciudad Juárez. PCC 1509 approaching the border with USA from Mexican side, a river divides

#7 Ciudad Juárez. PCC 1516 tram approaching border into Mexico

#8 Córdoba. Setting off on pony ride to the ruined church and lava flow from a Mexican village

#20 Mexico City. Gate to the palace and castle, Chapultepec

#21 Mexico City. Line up of trolleybuses outside University of Mexico

#22 Mexico City. Mural on wall at the University of Mexico

#23 Mexico City. PCC No, 2209 on centre reservation wide boulevade on line to Xomilcio

#24 Mexico City. PCC No. 2144 near the railway station

#25 Mexico City. PCC No. 2145 near the Railway Station

#26 Mexico City. PCC No. 2409 with youths riding on bumper near the Railway Station

#27 Mexico City. Plaza fronting the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe

#28 Mexico City. Trolleybus No. 3220 near the University

#29 Mexico City. Trolleybus No. 3613 on tram line bound for ‘Puerto Aereo’

#30 Mexico City. Workers rally in front of Railway Station

#34 Tampico. Ex St. Louis PCC Tram Car No. 732. Tampico line to Playa closed 13 Dec. 1974

#44 Tequila. Early morning of Mexican Greyhound preparing for trip

#46 Tequila. The Tequila Factory and the pines that are used to ferment Tequila

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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