
1920s Berlin: 50+ Historical Photos Showing Everyday Life In Berlin After World War I

After the devastation of the Great War, cultural life blossomed and reached its heyday in Berlin. The city became the third largest municipality in the world. The city was packed with bars, restaurants, dance halls, cabaret theaters offering risque shows, and huge cinemas with full-sized symphony orchestras providing live musical accompaniment to the silent films. Have a look at these historical photographs that show what Berlin looked like in the 1920s.

#5 Sign on a barbershop announcing special prices for the unemployed, 1927.

#8 “Blutmai” in Berlin, 1929. Arrest after a street fight.

#22 Erik Charell repeating with dancers in a music hall, Berlin, 1925.

#25 The sculptor and engraver Renée Sintenis and her Studebaker in Berlin, 1928.

#26 Max Krehan’s Ceramics Workshop at the Weimar Bauhaus, 1924.

#27 In 1923, the #Berlin Tempelhof airport was opened. Its 1st building? A small hut for the first construction workers.

Written by Benjamin Grayson

Former Bouquet seller now making a go with blogging and graphic designing. I love creating & composing history articles and lists.

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